
Software Designed For Your Exact business Needs

Getting started

Become Our Client Use our tools to Initiate a project and form it's basic framework and scope. Use our suggestions by adding pre-configured Functionality Modules. Then work with our tools, your people and our business experts to further develop the details of your project.

Finalize Your Project

Complete the Specification Take your time and review your project with your people. Make sure it meets your needs and will help your business both grow and be more efficient.

Use our tools to visualize your project, its logical and data flow and find potential issues.

Pull The Trigger

Place Your Order Place your order and we will produce your software. We will use well founded solid development standards and practices. You will have you product in a matter of days. Best of all you will find it exceptionally affordable.


Our Pricing Policy We strive to offer you a software solution at a price point that enables you to continously expand your data capabilities.

You will not be able to develop a completely custom software solution using your developers or contractors, having our ultra high reliability, at our prices.

Put together a project that represents the basic set of functionality that you need and submit it for pricing. You will be shocked at how affordable we are.

Modify and Extend

Modify your Project Sometimes we need to modify an existing project after it has been launched.

Create a modification of your project and develop its changes. Since we have your original project we know exactly how to modify it and send you an update.

Extend your Project Create a functional extension of your project as a new project and it can be directly integrated into your existing project.


Launch Your Solution Let us Deploy your system to the Internet or we can give you the tools needed to run it in house.